Get ready for some LOVB Omaha

Get ready for some LOVB Omaha
Lexi Rodriguez LOVB Omaha
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Christina Fernández-Morrow, Editor-In-Chief, Hola Nebraska

¡Hola, Nebraska! Hola Nebraska! Your source for stories that inform, inspire, and connect our Latino communities of Nebraska.

We are excited to share with you what is happening on the court with the talented girls LOVB Omaha’s volleyball. Not only are these athletes demonstrating an impressive level of play, but each match is filled with energy, skill, and pure passion; their teamwork is taking the team to new heights. I was fortunate to see them in person when LOVB Omaha beat Houston, meeting UNL volleyball legend Lexi Rodriguez and 2020 Olympian from Argentina Candelaria Herrera. WOW! Nebraska Latinos have a lot to look forward to and we're so excited to bring it to you. You can read our exclusive interview with Lexi in today's newsletter, and next week, we'll bring you Candelaria's interview. And you can catch the action at the two-game home opener this weekend. See the details in our calendar of events.

Please share this newsletter with your friends and family. For the articles in Spanish, you can visit this link.

Por favor, comparte este boletín con tus amigos y familiares. Para los artículos en español, puedes visitar este enlace.

From Sterling to Stardom: Lexi Rodriguez is Blazing a Trail in Pro Volleyball

Lexi Rodriguez LOVB Omaha

By Christina Fernández-Morrow, Hola America

Omaha, NE– Lexi Rodriguez says, “I always had big dreams and goals for the future, but I thought that I was going to have to go overseas to make that happen and to continue playing volleyball.”...

Read our exclusive interview here!

¡Lea nuestra entrevista exclusiva aquí!

Avian influenza virus detected in Lincoln wastewater

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(Adobe Stock image)

By Scott Koperski , Nebraska Public Media

Lincoln, NE- Recent wastewater testing revealed avian influenza in a sample collected from Lincoln.

The Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department reported that H5 avian influenza was detected in a local wastewater sample collected from the Northeast Water Resource Recovery Facility in Lincoln.

Read more here!

¡Lea el artículo en español aquí!

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Nebraska Growing Readers Partners with Schuyler to Promote Early Childhood Literacy

Schuyler, NE- Nebraska Growing Readers (NGR) began in the fall of 2023 as a partnership designed to bring more books into the homes of families with young children, particularly in areas of the state where free access to books wasn’t as readily available. Schuyler has been one of the pilot communities that has embraced the programs NGR has to offer. In the short time NGR has been available, Schuyler  has ...

Read more about this amazing group here!

¡Lea más sobre este increíble grupo aquí!

Children’s mental health organization offers bilingual training

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Esmeralda León instructing a Spanish ABA workshop in Omaha. (Photo courtesy of Esmeralda León and Ad Astra Behavioral Analytic Services)

By Arthur Jones, Nebraska Public Media News

Omaha, NE- A children’s mental health service organization is presenting a training for Spanish-speaking families with young children.

The training, put on by Ad Astra Behavioral Analytic Services, is for parents and will focus on ABA, or applied behavior analysis, as a means of helping children form better communication skills, school readiness and an awareness of school safety.

Read more here!

¡Lea el artículo en español aquí!

LOVB Omaha debut win at Houston. Photos by Christina Fernández-Morrow / Hola Nebraska

Check out more photos of the many events from the Latino communities of Nebraska on our Facebook page Hola America News and our  Instagram @holaamerica

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Upcoming events:

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